- 1937 Mr Jack Stone in the USA produced the plate freezer with paddle wheel with pairs of plates attached radially giving rise to the name Jackstone.
- 1945 UK rights to the Jackstone Plate Freezer bought by Ross Foods, who were heavily involved with trawling and fish.
- 1962 The Vertical Plate Freezer was introduced the first Jackstone installation was on the Icelandic vessel Narfi.
- 1963 George Williams Engineering Company went into liquidation and was sold to Clarke Built Ltd in May of that year. The new company Clarke Built (Williams) concentrated on work in the ice cream and fishing industries.
- 1967 Clarke Built (Williams) and Clarke Built were bought by APV. The Clarke Built factory at Chiswick was closed and work transferred to Crawley.
- 1969 The first Cartofreeze installation at Moy Park Northern Ireland.
- 1970 Mr Frank Clarke retired and the company renamed APV Clarke Built.
- 1970-72 Agreements reached with Ashworth Bros in America led to the development of the spiral freezers, the first one being installed at Country Range in Alton in 1972. (J & E Hall were the refrigeration contractors). Thermal storage units, vacuum thawing units and flake ice machines introduced in this period.
- 1973 The first liquid nitrogen tunnel was designed and built for BOC.
- 1974 Company was renamed APV Parafreeze.
- 1974 Jackstone purchases Torbinia, which then takes over manufacture of all freezer plates.
- 1978 The first Spiraflex was installed at Walls in Southall.
- 1978 The first Automatic Plate Freezer developed and sold to Tudor Dairies.
- 1980 Jackstone wins the Queens award for export achievement
- 1987 APV Parafreeze and Jackstone Froster merge to form the new company of APV Jackstone, manufacturing continues at Grimsby and Thetford sites.
- 1988 Boom in fishing industry leads to record freezer sales. APV change name to APV Baker Jackstone Divison.
- 1989 Company wins Queens award for export achievement. 90% of sales are now exported. Development of SPIRAL 2000 progresses. APV renamed to APV Baker Freezer Division.
- 1990 Largest single order for spiral freezers and chillers was received from Ross Young’s Ltd in Grimsby, Company develop sales into Asia.
- 1993 APV rename company APV Refrigeration and Freezer Division.
- 1994 New Spiral tunnel design including CASH Cleaning system installed at Centaco Thailand.
- 1995 AAF McQuay Inc. purchase APV Refrigeration and Freezer business. Freezer business renamed Jackstone Food Systems, largest Spiral Freezing Tunnel installed at Nestle Dairy Farm, Hong Kong.
- 1996 Comprehensive CASH system supplied with new spiral tunnel at Wisbech U.K.
- 1999 3 tier multibelt inline supplied.
- 2000 Jackstone Food Systems management buy-out manufacturing continues at Thetford and Dartford sites.
- 2001 Dual Airflow System added to product range.
- 2002 1st Dual Airflow Spiral installed at Headland Foods in Flint, Wales.
- 2003 Name changed to Jackstone Freezing Systems Ltd. Horizontal plate freezer supplied to Peru.
- 2004 Jackstone supplies latest design packaged Delta Airflow Spiral for Pizza bases.
- 2005 Jackstone supplies redesigned stainless steel IQF to Iran. Jackstone supplies their first Delta Airflow Spiral into the Russian market.
- 2006 Jackstone Delta Airflow success continues with two large 6000kg/hr and 2 off 3000kg/hr supplied into South Africa.
- 2007 Jackstone worldwide market continues to grow when they win the order for a Delta Airflow Spiral from the largest chicken producer in Jordan. The Russian market continues as their first customer in Russia orders their seventh spiral.
- 2008 Twin Drum Delta Airflow installations in Australia and Mexico. Plate Freezers manufacture returns to the Thetford site, first Vertical Plate Freezers from the Thetford site supplied to a meat processor in Turkey.
- 2009 Jackstone worldwide market continues to expand with delta airflow spiral sales to Israel and the new hybrid standard stainless steel frame, liquid design vertical plate freezer into the European market (further details on our Vertical plate freezer page). Horizontal plate freezer sales continue in Vietnam.
- 2010 Spiral sales continue in South African market plus new sales into Belarus and Brazil, and not forgetting the UK with one of our customer ordering their second package spiral after their total satisfaction with the supply of their first unit. Vertical plate freezer sales continue into Canadian market.
- 2011 Jackstone worldwide name expands into Bangladesh market with spiral sales. Plate freezer sales continue in Mexico with another repeat order and further horizontal plate freezer sales to Thailand.
- 2012 Boxafreeze sales continue with a 4 x 4 x 10 to a leading meat supplier in France. Vertical plate freezer sales continue to grow into Canadian, Italian, French and Mexican markets. With major interest in our liquid verticals for freezing orange juice and plasma. Major customer to Jackstone orders their second Delta Airflow Spiral for their plant in Ecuador.
- 2013 Great start to January with first order of the year from a major cake supplier in Russia for a Twin Drum Delta Airflow Spiral freezer. Closely followed by further orders, one from a new customer in South America for vertical plate freezers and a major spiral overhaul from our existing customer in the UK, who continue to use the full support from our spares & service division. The end of the year sees the South American market continue to grow with further plate freezer sales to Mexico for a new customer.
- 2014 Plate freezer growth continues in South America with a supply of new horizontal plate freezers.
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